Honor and Integrity

Meredith students are responsible for ensuring that the Honor System is upheld at all times. Any dishonorable action will be regarded as a violation of the Honor Code. In particular, students must refrain from cheating, stealing, lying or plagiarizing (see a complete list of Honor Code violations below).

If a student is aware of a violation by another student, s/he should call that student’s attention to the violation and ask that the student turn him- or herself in. If the student refuses, the observer must decide on the basis of his or her conscience whether or not to report the student whom s/he believes has violated the honor code.

  1. Students should report themselves or be reported to a faculty member, program coordinator or director of their graduate program. A faculty member who observes students in violation of the honor code should confront them. If the student does not self-report, the faculty member should do so.
  2. Upon receiving such a report or making such an observation, the faculty member should notify the Dean of the School.
  3. The Dean will convene a Graduate Council for Professional and Academic Integrity composed of a student representative, a faculty member and a member of the Graduate Programs Committee. The Dean will not sit on the Council. The Council will hear the facts of the case from the accused, the accuser (if any) and the faculty member. The Council recommends penalties, if any, and reports them to the Dean.
  4. The Dean will notify the accused student of the findings of the Graduate Council for Professional and Academic Integrity and ensure that any penalties are enforced.
  5. If s/he wishes, the student may file a written appeal of the ruling to the Dean of the School within 14 days of receiving notice of the findings.
  6. A final appeal may be made in writing within seven (7) days to the Senior Vice President and Provost of the College, whose ruling is final.

Note: Penalties resulting from cases involving academic dishonesty do not preclude the right of the faculty member to levy an academic penalty that s/he deems appropriate.

Description of Honor Code Violations

Violations of the Honor Code include, among others

  • Academic dishonesty, including, but not limited to:
  1. Unauthorized copying, collaboration, or acceptance of assistance in the preparation of academic work (i.e. written, laboratory, artwork, computer programs, etc.)
  2. Plagiarism—which is defined as the intentional representation of another person’s words, thoughts, or ideas as one’s own;
  3. The use of notes, books, electronic devices or other unauthorized aids on examinations;
  4. Stating that assignments are completed when they are not (i.e., parallel readings);
  5.  Aiding and abetting a dishonest action of another student.
  6. Falsifying information or data.
  • Theft or misuse of, or damage to any personal property on institutional premises, any academically related personal property wherever located, or any College property
  • Violation of any college policies as set forth in this Graduate Student Catalogue or in the Graduate Student Handbook
  • Violation of College alcohol or drug policy
  • Alteration, forgery, falsification, abuse, or fraudulent use of college documents, records, or identification cards
  • Violation of rules governing any college owned, operated or regulated property
  • Possession of firearms or other weapons on College property or at College-sponsored functions
  • Conduct resulting in physical harm; Harassment and/or discrimination of another; Harassment includes but is not limited to, acts of intolerance and/or malice directed at individuals or groups and delivered in oral, written or electronic form; Sexual harassment violations will be addressed through the College’s Title IX/Sexual Misconduct policies and procedures
  • Disruption or obstruction of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary procedures, or other college activities, operation or functions, including the failure to appear before college officials or disciplinary bodies when directed to do so
  • Disorderly conduct on College-owned, operated, or controlled property or at college-sponsored functions. Disorderly conduct shall include acts which violate the rights of others, which tend to breach the peace, or which are deemed lewd, indecent, or obscene; If disorderly conduct is considered severe, frequent, or continues for a prolonged period of time, the behavior may be considered disruptive
  • Unauthorized entry into or occupation of, or trespass on College facilities or property
  • Unauthorized use of the name of the College or the names of member organizations in the College community
  • Intentional abuse of a position of trust or responsibility within the College community
  • Furnishing of false information, with intent to deceive, to members of the College community who are acting in the exercise of their official duties
  • Failure to follow or comply with directions given by College officials or staff members in the exercise of their official duties
  • Failure to abide by sanctions or penalties properly imposed by the College or disciplinary bodies
  • Aiding or abetting any violation of the Honor Code; Aiding or abetting any act of sexual misconduct will be addressed through the College’s Sexual Misconduct/Title IX policies and procedures
  • Any other conduct deemed by the College to be undesirable or unacceptable, or interferes with or threatens the College’s ability to fulfill its educational purposes

NOTE: A student may be accused of more than one violation as a result of a single incident. Ignorance of a rule or regulation shall not be accepted as a defense by the Graduate Council for Professional and Academic Integrity.