Post-Baccalaureate Licensure Program in the Arts

Degree Type
Post-Baccalaureate Education Licensure

Students in the program will be (1) hired by a school district to teach in the area they are pursuing licensure or (2) pursuing licensure-only as a post baccalaureate student.  This program will be a pathway for pursuing licensure since changes have occurred in the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction licensure. These changes include the removal of lateral entry licensure and the induction of the Residency License.

For students in category (1): The Residency License is a North Carolina-specific pathway. Residency licensing allows qualified individuals to begin teaching while completing North Carolina licensure requirements through an approved Educator Preparation Program (EPP). The program involves four "partners:" (1) the individual, (2) a recognized Educator Preparation Program (EPP), (3) the Local Education Agency (LEA), and (4) and the NC Department of Public Instruction (NC-DPI).

Methods Courses

Students are required to successfully complete 2 methods courses.

Course #
Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits